Parish Soccer Directors and Coaches
Parish Soccer Directors shall ensure that the head coach and assistant coach (if any) for each of their teams meets the CYC Coaching Requirements and obtains a CYC Coach ID number by August 31. Any coach that does not have a CYC Coach ID number by the deadline will be ineligible to coach in the league. Please see for more information.
Parish Soccer Directors shall ensure that Team Applications and Team Rosters for all of their teams are submitted in a timely manner.
Parish Soccer Directors are responsible for the unsportsmanlike conduct of their coaches. Parish Soccer Directors shall ensure that their coaches understand and comply with the Coaches Code of Conduct, the League Rules and policies and the mission of the league.
Coaches are responsible for the unsportsmanlike conduct of their players, spectators and parents.
League Starts / Fields
The league starts on the Saturday after Labor Day and runs for 9 weeks. Games will be played at St. Louis Ajax Soccer Club and Lindenwood Park. See Direction to Field link for directions to the fields
Team Applications / Team Rosters / Player Registration
Team Applications must be submitted no later than August 4. In order to meet the team application deadline for Pre-K and/or Kindergarten teams. It is recommended that each Soccer Director contact the parents of children in the incoming Pre- K and Kindergarten classes before the start of school to see if there are enough interest to form a team.
Team Rosters and Player Registration must be submitted no later than August 15.
The league does not have an A team B team system. Schools with multiple teams in the same division should divide their teams equally according to player talent. This will provide for more games with evenly matched teams and thus more fun for the kids on all teams.
Pre-K are coed divisions and teams shall consists of an equal number of boys and girls to the extent possible. Kindergarten and First Grade have separate divisions of all girl teams, all boys teams and mixed girls/boys teams. However, depending on the number of team applications submitted each year for each division, it is sometimes necessary to combine these divisions. Mixed grade teams are placed in the older grade division. Contact League Commissioner if you need players to complete a team or have players in need of a team.
Team Fees
The league team fee is $375.00. Each Parish Soccer Director should provide one check for all of their teams made payable to the Judge Dowd Soccer League and drop off or mail to: Judge Dowd Soccer League, 8 Homeland Place, St. Louis, MO 63109. To avoid a late fee, checks must be received by 9/30
Standings and Wins
There are no official wins or losses, and league standings are not kept.
Referees are provided and compensated by the league. There is zero tolerance of any criticism or protest of a referee’s decision. This rule is strictly enforced by the League Commssioner. In an effort to continue to improve the officiating throughout the season, a referee evaluation form is available on the referee section of the website to advise the League Commissioner of any compliments or complaints about the officiating.
Make-up Games / Canceled Games / Weather Guidelines
The League follows the CYC Weather Policies to determine if games should be played. Make-up games for games canceled are played at the option of the coaches. A coach who is interested in playing a make-up game or an extra game should contact the League Commissioner. A coach who cannot play a scheduled game should contact the League Commissioner as soon as possible. Game cancellations due to weather-related conditions or field conditions will be posted on the league website.
Team / Player Photos
Team and player photos are available from Sarti Photo Services 5015 Hampton 314 721 7733 or a photographer of your choice.
Click here to see the league Photo and Video Policies.