2. You have full authority to control the game by enforcing the rules. Don’t be afraid to blow your whistle. Blow your whistle with confidence to show that you are in charge of the game. A barely audible “tweet” indicates that you’re not sure of your call. Whereas, a firm/loud whistle will show you are confident about your call. After blowing your whistle always announce what the call is “foul on blue” “red throw-in” and announce whose ball it is “yellow ball” and point in the direction of the play. Blow your whistle and announce every call loud enough so the players and coaches can hear the whistle and your call.
  3. Always explain to the offending player why a foul was called.
  4. The ball is out of play when the whole ball crosses the goal-line or touch-line.
  5. A goal is scored when the whole ball passes over the goal line. Don’t call a goal if goalkeeper has possession of the ball but steps behind the goal line, but instruct him/her to avoid doing that.
  6. Don’t call a foul if goalkeeper only goes a few steps out of the penalty area with the ball but instruct him/her to avoid doing that.
  7. Always call intentional hand-balls and explain to the player “you can’t touch the ball with your hands in soccer”.
  8. Players cannot kick at ball when goalkeeper has possession and must give him/her room to release the ball. Goalkeeper is considered in possession of the ball if he or she has a hand on the ball even if it’s still on the ground. Blow your whistle if necessary to prevent players from kicking at the ball to protect the goalkeeper.
  9. Corner kicks must enter the playing field or it is to be taken over. The kicker cannot play the ball a second time until it has touched another player. If that occurs, the corner kick should be taken over.
  10. Advantage Rule: If a foul is committed but the non-offending team has the advantage, don’t blow your whistle, tell them to “play on”.
  11. A free kick should be given for any of the following fouls or misconduct:
    • Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
    • Trips or attempts to trip an opponent
    • Jumps at an opponent
    • Charging an opponent
    • Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent
    • Pushes an opponent
    • Tackles an opponent to gain possession of the ball, making contact with the opponent before touching the ball
    • Holds an opponent
    • Handles the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper in the penalty area)
    • Prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his/her hands
    • Pulls opponent’s jersey
    • Slide-tackles opponent (strictly prohibited)


  1. If you can’t make a game you are scheduled to referee, you should notify me with at least 3 days notice or as soon as possible.
  2. If you miss one of your regular scheduled games, you may be replaced for future games. I have asked the coaches to let me know if a referee fails to show up for a game.


  1.  You must submit your Referee Worksheet on the website before 8:00 p.m. on the day you reffed or risk not getting paid for those games. You should print a copy for your records in case there is a discrepancy regarding your pay at the end of the season. I will keep track of your submitted Referee Worksheets and send you a check a few weeks after the season is over for all the games you refereed this season.
  2. You will not be paid for games that you are not scheduled to ref.
  3. You will not get paid if you show up for a game that is canceled. You will get paid the full amount for a game that starts but does not finish because of weather conditions.
  4. Referee pay scale is as follows:
    • Pre-K games – $20.00
    • Kindergarten games – $22.00
    • First Grade games – $24.00


You should check the website for updated game cancellation information before going to your games.


  1. Only the coaches are allowed to talk to you about the officiating but not while the game is being played. They can make suggestions about your officiating as long as they do it in a polite and respectful manner. They are not allowed to criticize or berate you about your officiating. Let me know if anyone gives you a hard time.
  2. If a coach is criticizing you or acting in an unsportsmanlike manner, you can tell him/her that unless they stop you are going to report them to the League Commissioner.
  3. If you are being criticized by a spectator or a spectator is acting in an unsportsmanlike manner, inform the coach that it is his/her responsibility to make them stop.
  4. Don’t allow the coaches to argue with each other.
  5. Always be polite and respectful when dealing with coaches and spectators.


  1. You should bring the following items to each game:
    • A loud whistle
    • A watch or use your cell phone to keep track of time
    • Water bottle
    • Pen and paper to keep track of the score of the game (or use your phone) for purposes of the Mercy Rule and Build Out Line Rule and to submit your Referee Worksheet.
  2. You should wear a referee shirt so you look official at the games.
  3. Before each game introduce yourself to each coach.
  4. See League Rules for Away Team and Home Team responsibilities
  5. GAMES DURING HOT WEATHER: Ask coaches if they want to play 8 minute quarters. Pre K coaches always have the option to play 8 minute quarters. Remind coaches they can take water breaks at anytime. 
  6. START THE GAME ON TIME: You should arrive at the field 15 minutes prior to game time. Stand at the center of the field and blow your whistle 5 minutes before game time to  notify coaches that the game is about to start. Do not allow teams to “warm-up” on the field if necessary in order to start the game on time. Do not cut time off a game even if you are running behind schedule. Only stop the game clock if there is an injury on the field.
  7. Kickoff – technical rules don’t apply, any kind of kickoff works.
  8. Before the game starts, if you see spectators setting up their chairs in the players and coaches area, ask the coaches to inform their spectators that they are not allowed in areas reserved for players and coaches. Spectators are also not allowed right behind the goals.
  9. Goal kicks – get the ball quickly, and place it at the corner of the penalty box. (Enforce the Build Out Line Rule if necessary). Blow your whistle when goal kick is ready to be taken.
  10. Corner kicks – get the ball quickly, and place it at the corner of the field. Blow your whistle when corner kicks are ready to be taken.
  11. Throw–ins – get the ball quickly, stand where throw-in is to be taken, announce who has possession, (“Red-Ball”) indicate the direction of the ball by raising your arm and pointing in that direction until throw-in is made. If a player makes a foul throw-in on their first attempt, you should explain to them what they did wrong or provide a quick demonstration on how to make a proper throw-in to the player and give them a second chance. Throw-in must enter the playing field or it is to be taken again. A player cannot make a throw-in to himself or herself. Play continues even if player makes a foul throw-in on the second attempt.
  12. After a goal is scored, get the ball quickly, and place it at the center-off spot.
  13. See League Rules: you must have a good understanding of how the Mercy Rule and the Build Out Line Rule works
  14. Stop play when player falls on the ball to avoid player getting kicked. Restart play with a free kick to the team that had posession of the ball when play stopped.
  15. Blow your whistle to stop play when a player is injured. Restart play with free kick to team who had possession of the ball when play was stopped.
  16. Check throughout the game to make sure that each team has the correct number of players on the field.
  17. Move with the play so that you are always in a position to call all fouls, ball out of bounds, goals, etc. You should not be more than 10 yards away from the ball at anytime. If you are not moving with the play, you are not doing your job.
  18. When a player engages in unsportsmanlike conduct, you should warn player and the coach that if the conduct continues, player won’t be able to continue to play and a substitute must be made.
  19. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes:
    • Commits numerous fouls.
    • Delays the restart of play.
    • Fails to move back 5 yards when goalkeeper has the ball, a free kick or corner kick is taken.
    • Commits a serious foul such as high kicking or slide tackling. 
    • Hits or strikes an opponent.
    • Spits at an opponent.
    • Uses offensive, insulting or abusive language. (Trash talking)
    • Commits an intentional foul.
  20. Teams do not change ends at half-time.
  21. If necessary, remind the on-field coach to take the goalkeeper out to the end of the penalty area to release the ball.
  22. When a foul is committed, get the ball quickly and stand where the free kick is to be taken, announce your call and point in the direction of the offending team’s goal.
  23. Move players back 5 yards when a throw-in, free kick, goal kick or corner kick is taken.
  24. If possible, try to call at least one foul every game to show coaches you’re not afraid to call a foul.
  25. When and how to blow your whistle:
    • One long whistle for the following:
      • Stand at mid-field – blow your whistle to alert coaches that game should start.
      • When there is an injury on the field to stop play.
    • One short whistle for the following:
      • When ball goes out of bounds.
      • When a goal is scored.
      • When a foul is committed.
      • Anytime to stop and restart play.
    • Two long whistles at the end of the first, second and third quarters.
    • Three long whistles at the end of the game.
    • Continue to blow your whistle if players do not stop play after you have blown your whistle.