The Judge Dowd Soccer League was created in 1966. The league is a volunteer nonprofit organization that provides an opportunity for kids to play locally on their school team. Continued support from businesses and individuals is critical to help the league continue to operate.

Sponsorships and donations help budget for many expenses including:

  • Purchasing equipment and uniforms
  • Field usage fees
  • Website costs
  • Insurance costs
  • Participation Awards
  • Paying our local referees. Grade school and high school kids getting their first employment opportunity

The benefits of becoming a sponsor or making a donation include:

  • Company logo recognition and link on the league website
  • League t-shirts with company names and logos
  • Helping keep youth sports affordable for low income families
  • Charitable tax deduction
  • Contact League Commissioner about becoming a sponsor

Please make a donation by check payable to Judge Dowd Soccer League and mail to:

Judge Dowd Soccer League
8 Homeland Place
St. Louis MO, 63109

Your tax deductible donation is greatly appreciated!